Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marc Faber: The Unfolding Pension Crisis

My guest in this interview is Dr Marc Faber. Dr. Faber is the editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report. 

He is referred to as the Billionaire they call Dr. Doom in Tony Robbins book, Money Master The Game. 

In this episode, we will look at what the global economy and markets are telling us and the brewing global pension crisis.

- Video Source

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marc Faber: Outlook for emerging markets moving forward

Marc Faber, editor and publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report speaks to Nikunj Dalmia about the prospects of a rescission, outlook for emerging markets and how to spot the next booming asset.

- Source, ET

Monday, August 19, 2019

Marc Faber: Financial Turmoil Ahead, Gold is My Largest Single Holding

Marc discusses how various modern economic theories are already being tested as the world now has 15 trillion in negative-yielding bonds. He feels that Modern Monetary Theory would result in an overall loss of freedoms as people would become increasingly dependent on government. 

Gold is again rising but how high it will go, Marc, does not know but to him, it seems inexpensive when compared to negatively yielding bonds. Gold should stay above 1400 and investors should hold it as insurance in varying amounts depending on their confidence in the financial system.

- Source, Palisade Radio

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Marc Faber on Higher Education & Protecting Yourself in an Economic Collapse

Marc Faber is an economic authority on global macroeconomics, capital markets, and investment and the Editor & Publisher of "The Gloom Boom & Doom Report". 

He spoke with The Prospect Group about university style formal education, the coming economic collapse, and the options people to preserve their wealth.