Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Marc Faber: Global Economy is on the Cusp of a Recession

  • According to Dr. Faber, the global economy is on the cusp of a recession. Investors are advised to batten down the hatches.
  • A global / domestic economic maelstrom of epic proportions where paper assets denominated in the reserve currency lose up to 80% is possible.
  • Few asset classes will endure the economic storm ahead, however, safe havens include gold, silver, PMs shares and cryptocurrencies.
  • Despite the remarkable increases in modern productivity given quantum leaps in access to technology and information, living standards are sagging.
  • Incomes have not matched increases in the cost of living.
  • The duo concur that the erosion of the standard of living is directly correlated to profligate money expansion, which acts as a reverse “Invisible Hand.”
  • Both the guest/host advocate diversification of asset classes, increasing the weighting of safe haven, hard money assets in the coming years to shield wealth from potential economic volatility.
- Source, Gold Seek Radio